
0.5g 510 Vape Cartridges - Bitter Cherry Punch, R2, GLTOZ

Retro 0.5g 510 Vape Cartridges - Bitter Cherry Punch, R2, GLTOZ


THC %: 62.66

CBD %: 0

Terpene %: 6.32

Package Date: July 14th, 2022

Price: $22.96

So sometimes there is a limit to how old a product can be and still really be usable. My experience with Retro vapes definitely says vapes don't last for a year even in sealed mylar bags. From talking with where I got them, it seems like that Retro really just offloaded a bunch of very old and probably should have been destroyed vapes off on them. First the positives. The hardware is quite good. The triangle vents in the vapes really keep it from getting slowed by air and you can pull quite smoothly over and over. 

It also held up with no leaks. Sadly though that was the only positives as the flavor was completely gone. The only one I got any kind of flavor at all was the Bitter Cherry Punch and it was just lightly bitter. There wasn't much high as the THC was degraded as well. This is sadly the risk that always exists as long as age is not considered a defect in any cannabis products and where you buy them from does not list the package date.

Natasha Simms 


THC %: 58.12

CBD%: 0

Terpene %: 8.05

Package date: July 15th, 2022

Price: $22.96

Bitter Cherry Punch

THC %: 67.64

CBD %: <0.1

Terpene %: 5.4

Package date: August 2nd, 2022

Price: $22.96