Holy Mountain
Slurricane Live Resin
Holy Mountain
Slurricane Live resin
75.3% THC
<6.0% CBD
0% Other
0.0% terps.
Price: $47.95 Spiritleaf Ont.
Size: 1 gram
Rec/Medical: Rec
510 vape cart
Opening thoughts: I'm a sucker for slurricane, crosses and parents. So it was no surprise that this came into my collection, I'm just shocked it took this long.
Vaping takes me forever to do and can't properly judge one until the halfway point at least. At this point there seems to be the most issues possible.
Was it worth waiting for or was it not worth my time?
Now I'm smoking for Science (so you don't have to!)
Break Down:
Packaging: 1/5 Theres not a whole lot here. No real protection, information or package in general. Sorry but this screams cheap, and its not.
Aroma/taste: 3/5 It tastes like grape soda and gasoline. Like mixed Live in a shot glass right in front of you and watch out because it ignites a fire in me. Smell when the package is opened is dried dates. Not honeyed or candied, just dried dates.
Mouthpiece: 4/5 I like this mouth piece, its small bill and rounded edges make a good mouth feel when using it. Its airway were clean and open. It felt cool on my lips whenever I used it.
The pull: 5/5 (Yocan kodo) Past half way in the cart and have experienced no clogging, dripping or discoloring. Pulled clean and smoothly each time.
The Buzz: 4/5 typical slurricane buzz for me. Ya know that moment when Shania Twain sings "Let's go girls" yeah I feel like that. I feel like kicking down doors and just being awesome. *Please note this is generally a heavy sedative strain, I'm just odd.
The Burnout: 4/5 Was I hitting disty?? Because this drop off was barely there. The heads a lil dull but I'm pretty sure its always been that way. Barely any drop off.
Overall: 21/30 I bought this in the strain name alone. I will always smoke a slurricane, ALWAYS and this was no different. I wasn't wowed or floored but I was given what I expected and most of the time thats hard to get. I'd purchase it more often if it wasn't that price. For what I paid and what its worth feels like an issme instead of an issue.
As always,
Peace, love and pre-rolls