BC Weed Co

Joker Juice

BC Weed Co Joker Juice - 2g

THC %: 24.5

CBD %: 0.06

Terpene %: 2.4

Package Date: January 29th, 2024

Price: $18

BC Weed Co sources their flower from various growers, one of them being Lotus for their Joker Juice. I personally have not had much from Lotus that I've liked. I'll have to find a fresher batch of the Joker Juice to double check but this batch did seem to still be the same grow quality. The color at least held up well for it's age, retaining the purples nicely. It was dry but I did expect that from being from the end of January and no boost pack inside. I just didn't find much flavor or see a lot of great development in the trichomes. Let me say it wasn't bad but not a comparable quality to some of the other BC Weed Co products like their GSC. 

I didn't get a lot of resin from the smoke for that option to be promising unfortunately either. It was a very dry smoke, not quite harsh but flirting with it. The only reason I actually decided to review it was it completely surprised me with a good aftertaste. I rarely see that at all in any cannabis, so I felt it deserved props for that. It was a really lovely green apple taste. It might be worth the try of getting it again just to see what comes out from a vaporizer.

Natasha Simms