Funk Master Pre Rolls
Shred Funk Master prerolls - 10x0.4g
THC %: 22.8
CBD %: 0.071
No Terpene % listed
Packaging Date: August 21st, 2023
Price: $21
The Shred Funk Master isn't normally a product I would try. Not because I have an issue with what Shred's doing but because I am still learning about strain tastes and effects. The Shred Funk Master Dartz are a variation on what the industry is calling tube style joints. They come in a little cardboard cigarette box wrapped in cellophane as well as a bit of foil inside too. They come really packed inside this box, tip side up. If you take one out it is quite hard to try and get it back in if you change your mind about smoking it. They stay rather stuck in even if there are only two left. They are using thin papers and a very thickly coiled cardboard tip to slow the burn instead of the papers.
I did notice them burning slowly but I also had trouble drawing through such a filled tip. Every single one canoed though, even the ones that started to burn straight ended up canoeing. They also went out if I was not actively puffing away, but they didn’t taste dry or stale. There was a surprising amount of resin during the burn by the end too which made it clog up a bit right at the filter.
They are a blended product so they don't really have a distinct smell or even taste. The aroma overall reminded me of polymer clay, the kind that came in cellophane wrapped sticks. Taste was all over the place with sometimes it was earthy, woody, citrus, and even pineapple at one point. I'm not surprised though as having seen the strain list at one point there were over a dozen for Funk Master. They could be in any proportion or combination as well. I’ve been calling them the blended scotch of prerolls to my customers but I would have to try a different format like the milled flower to see if they really manage a flavor consistency over all the Funk Master products except probably the vapes. This is kind of a benefit and a detriment as it does mean a more available product but does mean that if you had a batch that really worked with you, you aren’t going to see that again probably.
It was a surprisingly heavy smoke though with physical effects nearly right away. It was a mild indica high though and easily about to still function despite kind of really feeling it. These are actually a really competitive ten pack at least in BC as they combine what is nice about Redees with a thinner paper and cardboard filter to taste more of the flower. I ended up liking these more than most other ten packs since it was both a better flavor and high. I would like to see much less cardboard in the tip as it is hard to pull at point if you don’t have a strong lung pull. I suspect it’s only there to slow down the burn anyway.