Jane & Juice

Double Dutch Bus - WiFi 41 x Ice Cream Cake

Jane & Juice - Double Dutch Bus - WiFi 41 x Ice Cream Cake 

33.5% THC

Packaging Date: 23-MA-21

Price: Received as a Sample 

Rec/Medical: Recreational 

Packaging: 3/5 

Just a tube with the basic information. It is a split pack of two different kinds, so I understand that would be a lot of info to try and put for two. They were at least nice enough to label each kind with different filter and paper colours, so you could differentiate the two different pre rolls. 

Aroma/taste: 3/5 

Smells like some nice hash. You don't really get a lot of different scent except for the kind of sweet but sharp scent from the hash. 

The dry pull is a little more on the citrusy side. You still get the taste of the hash but its followed by a good hint of lemon. The taste once lit is more like an earthy taste with a hint of lemon. 

Pre-Roll Quality: 4/5 

It's made fairly nicely. Looser at the top and gets tighter at the bottom. I will admit the top is a little loose for my liking and the bottom I feel may be too tight, but only smoking it will tell!

The Burn: 3.5/5 

I had a feeling it was going to happen just based on the roll but it ended up clogging about ⅔ of the way through. Thankfully a good little push on the pre roll itself helped getting it back to burning nicely. Burned with a nice greyish white ash and had a nice resin ring around it. 

The Buzz: 4/5 

Nice and chill in the body and my brain is kind switched to off mode. I feel a little sleepiness as well but I think that's just from how relaxed it's made me feel. It's kind of hard to continue writing this lol

The Burnout: 4/5 

Burnout was really not as bad as I was expecting. I was expecting to have a nap, but I managed not too. I just feel like I need a coffee and I'd be good to go again. 

Overall:  21.5/30

Was actually quite enjoyable. It hit pretty nicely! I wish it had a bit more flavor and didn't clog on me, but other than that, it was good!
