
Blueberry Lavender 1:10:20

Foggy’s Take:

Blueberry Lavender 1:10:20 

NightCap by Legend


Legend chocolates are something I haven’t visited in quite a while. In the past, I always remember them bringing strangely flavoured chocolates to cannabis, such as Orange and Raspberry flavours. Typically, that isn’t really my kind of chocolate, so Legend as a whole typically gets a pass from me. However, I was intrigued by their NightCap line, infused with CBN, and at $5.50 a package I had to give it a try.

The Verdict 

Packaging 3.5 / 5

The packaging was pretty average as far as chocolate packaging goes. I did like that they used a dark blue package that seems to encompass most CBN and blueberry products. This would automatically draw most consumers seeking CBN straight to it.  The slight change in logo for their NightCap edibles was a nice touch as well. 

Texture 2.5 / 5

This had a very waxy texture, with an almost oily covering. Sometimes with cheaper chocolate, this texture goes away once you let it melt in your mouth a little bit. That wasn’t the case with this one. 

Visual 4 / 5

I appreciated that they scored this one into four pieces for the consumers who are looking for easy microdosing. The imprint of their logo was nice too. They really followed through on branding. Might have liked a slightly bigger piece of chocolate though. 

Taste 1.5 / 5

This was a weird one for me. Usually the worst part of an edible is poorly masked cannabis flavouring, but this time was the other flavours that weren’t great. Legend uses organic milk chocolate for this, which leads me to want to believe they are using high quality chocolate. I didn’t think that was the case at all. The chocolate itself tasted like those cheap tin foil wrapped Easter chocolates from Dollarama that nobody actually likes. It seemed like they were hoping that the other flavourings were going to mask the poor chocolate, but that wasn’t the case. 

The first taste I notice is the cheap chocolate, and then it sort of melts into this funny blueberry taste. Specifically, it tasted exactly like the flavour they used in the Spinach Deep Dreamz CBN Vape. I loved it in a vape, but I wasn’t so sure if I liked it in a chocolate. Finally, I get smacked in the face with what tastes exactly like how lavender essential oil smells. 

The ingredients list “blueberry extract” and “lavender extract” so I guess I should have expected it to taste exactly like essential oil, but for some reason I kind of expected them to try to blend those flavours into the chocolate better. They didn’t do a great job hiding the distillate flavour either, but with how many other bold flavours are happening, distillate was the last flavour I was trying to wrap my head around.

Effect 5 / 5

This milk chocolate comes infused with 1mg of THC, 10mg of CBN and 20mg of CBD and the effects were a very pleasant surprise. I had spent the last week or two waking up several times a night and getting a poor quality of sleep overall. I ate one package on a Friday night, and I slept through til 6am when my alarm would normally be going off. I checked the time and went straight back to sleep until 8:30am. I was a little surprised that I was still groggy at 8:30, so I took the dog for a quick walk and we took a nap until noon. I really can’t give it anything less than a 5 here. It absolutely did it’s job. 

Overall 16.5 / 25 (66%)

This wasn’t the greatest edible I’ve ever tried, but it absolutely wasn’t the worst. There are some edibles that taste great and I want to eat them simply because they taste good. That isn’t the case here, but that doesn’t make this one a bad product. They missed the mark on the quality of the chocolate, and did a unique job with flavouring, but the taste is more than acceptable considering how well the effects worked for me. It’s a taste that I would happily accept incorporating into a nightly routine. The taste might eventually grow on me. Despite the taste, I would actually repurchase this one or keep a few on-hand for those nights I know I’m not going to sleep well. I picked these up for $5.50 (after tax) and I don’t feel like they were unreasonably priced either. 

If the flavour is enough to deter you from giving it a try, their NightCap line also includes an English Toffee milk chocolate that comes infused with the same cannabinoids. In retrospect, was probably the flavour thats more for me, but hindsight is always 20/20. 

Other Notes: