
Berri Blunts

Rilaxe Berri Blunts

Do you ever crave a blunt? I’m talking about the good ole’ days, when the smoke was thick and

flavourful. The type of blunt that would make your eyes low and red? Those Berri Blunts bring

back the memories. The Berri Blunts are the same classic flavour you remember, with the same

smooth smoke and slow burn (with no tobacco). They're sure to bring you back to the days

when the blunts were the thing. Enjoy a smoke with your friends without the harshness of

traditional tobacco. Berri Blunts have 0% nicotine and 0% tobacco, so you can have a smooth,

mellow smoke session.

The package.

The packaging is basic in a childproof mylar bag. The blunts are in a little holder that keeps

them in place and from being squished/jostled around during transportation. I’m very pleased

with the amount of information added onto the package! These blunts were packaged on May

22, 2023 making them very fresh. Included in the package is a small integra humidity packet.

The product

They come in at a very moderate 28.1% THC with 1.10% terpenes. According to the OCS

website the cultivars are Sherbacio x Baklava x Cannoli. Each blunt is 0.7grams, making it a

perfect amount for a solo or shared sesh! Upon taking a dry pull of the blunt, your palette is met

with a burst of fruity flavour with that classic ‘gas’ pungency.

The experience

Upon lighting the blunt and taking the first few puffs, I was greeted with that familiar feeling

settling in behind my eyes. There was no harshness in the blunt, as far as I was concerned. In

most cases, when I smoke any blunt type product, I cough excessively and have to put out the

blunt. Throughout the burn, the blunt burned evenly and slowly. The slow burn was a pleasant

surprise. I love watching the smoke curl around and float off into the atmosphere in almost a

hypnotizing manner.

This long-lasting experience was a great reminder that not all blunts have to be harsh and

uncomfortable - some are smooth, flavorful, and an enjoyable way to relax. If you're looking for

a more enjoyable way to consume cannabis, I highly recommend giving Berri blunts a try. You

might be surprised at how enjoyable a quality blunt can be.

Final thoughts

My only complaint about this product is that it is not available in my province. I reside in New

Brunswick and my significant other popped into a PEI Cannabis store for me when he was in

Prince Edward Island. As a whole, the effects, the experience, and the come down were perfect

for my needs. I had not enjoyed a blunt in forever and was pleased.

Jessica Hope