Big Pete’s

Cinnamon & Sugar Cookies

Big Pete’s Cinnamon & Sugar cookies - 5 pieces

THC: 2mg (10mg total)

CBD: 0mg

Package Date: July 14th, 2023

Price: $8.96

Big Pete's Cinnamon & Sugar mini cookies sadly are my least favorite of their cookies but not because they are bad. They just are so messy from the cinnamon sugar topping to being very crumbly cookies. I would have liked them more if they had been soft like snickerdoodles are (and was kind of hoping for, so that’s all on my expectations being wrong.) The flavors are really good. It's a really well balanced sugar cookie but is a bit sweet with the cinnamon sugar topping. 

The cookies are quite crisp but having five of them makes for a solid snack. It could feel like a bit much though if 10mg is not your sweet spot for getting high. The full spectrum cannabutter is nice, not really much of an extra flavor but there is that kind of slightly off mouthfeel texture. I do kind of wish they said what strain was in them though. The high was quite nice in the end with a kind of soft mind and body feel. They may not be my favorite but I am super happy with them. If I try them again I might try heating them up under a damp paper towel to see if that could soften them up.

Natasha Simms