
Strawberry Pave LSO


Strawberry Pave LSO


26% THC

0.5% CBD

% Other

2.17% terps.

Price: $35.99 OCS

Size: 3.5 grams

Rec/Medical: Rec.

Opening thoughts:

This strain was something I've been wanting to try for some time. The reviews have been very positive and the only place I could find it was on the OCS, which isn't my favorite place to shop.

Fuga isn't a company to let me down, everything has been worth the price and wait.

Now I'm smoking for Science (so you don't have to!)

Break Down:

Packaging: It is what it is. No sense repeating myself.

Aroma/taste:  “Strawberry fields forever” is definitely what I thought when I opened this bag/gateway to strawberry fields. How does it smell like every part of the strawberry field? Seriously.

The taste was of strawberry dirt (yes there's a difference in tasting dirt) and sweetness. This was a hard one to not roll huge cannons and puff on all day.

Buds:  Sticky, very very sticky. Finger licking good sticky.

At first glance you can tell these are hand trimmed and if not I want their machine trimmed because these were done beautifully.

Dense too, nice sized buds in this pouch.

The Burn: (OCB black) Nice burn, but it goes out when you drift into a day dream. Which is a blessing and a curse, the amount of dry pulls I took was astounding. I guess it knew me too well.

The Buzz:  My brain worked but not much else, this is definitely a ponder life type of strain for me. This definitely made the grass look greener and the clouds a lot prettier.

The Burnout: Found it very light with no real heavy drop off. A bit on the snacky side but honestly who doesn't like snacks?

Overall: Definitely a repeat buy, if I could get this in larger quantities I would. Another banger from Fuga, seriously there's no stopping them. Treat yourself to this.

As always,

Peace, love and pre-rolls

- Papa Jefe.