
Biofuel Cured Badder

Greybeard Biofuel Cured Badder

THC %: 77.66

CBD %: <0.25

Terpene %: 4.16

Package Date: July 28th, 2023

Price: $39.99

The Greybeard Biofuel cured badder is very nice. I think I like it much more than their diamonds and sauce. It was a bit muted on opening the jar but it was still cold from being in the fridge. The aroma really matches the taste as it warms up and it opens up the best on low.. On low there was a nice balance of gassy and sweet flavors that kind of played back and forth with some citrus notes. Medium really amped up the gassy going to a more naphtha taste before going harsh and heavily gassy on high. I used a Yocan Orbit and it was very clean in the banger, like almost no residue after

I did get some nice hits from it that really got to me quickly. The high was very nice but a bit more hybrid than indica for me. I liked this better than the diamonds mostly from how easy this is to use and less worry about scooping it out. It also lasted longer for me than the diamonds in flavor. I really enjoyed this badder and hope to see more from Greybeard.

Natasha Simms