The Hazy Camper

Organic Dark Chocolate with THC

The Hazy Camper Organic Dark Chocolate with THC

THC: 10mg

CBD: <0.1mg

Package Date: November 5th, 2022

Price: $4.46

Thanks to Herbal Dispatch I was able to try the regular dark chocolate from Hazy Camper and it's still so good. I am not the biggest fan of dark chocolate in general but something in how Hazy Camper does theirs is just really tasty. I got the THC 10mg one versus the CBD only they also do on Herbal Dispatch. 

The flavor is really smooth but not really melty. The shape still works really well as either one piece or broken along the score marks. I got the usual 10mg THC distillate high which was even in mind and body. This is so tasty and the high was nicely solid that makes me wonder why BC Cannabis did not take this one when they took the flavored ones. 

Natasha Simms