Gold Seal Blueberry
Gold Seal Blueberry
41.7% THC
<1.0% CBD
0% Other
N/A % terps.
Price: $30.24 (Reddit)
Size: 2 grams
Rec/Medical: Rec
Opening thoughts:
This was another beautiful gift from B.C land. I'm a sucker for blueberries and hash; So for them both to be together is just making my heart skip a beat. I know nothing of the brand, nothing of their hash maker and I'm not sure recreational hash even truly knows what gold seal is. Is this worthy of its gold seal status or will this tarnish its reputation?
Now I'm smoking for Science (so you don't have to!)
Break Down:
Packaging: 2/5 I think the best things about this package was that they stated the ingredients "cannabis, terpenes" and that they just threw the chunk in the mylar. No wax paper, no jar, just hash in mylar pouch.
Aroma/taste: 5/5 this just erupted in smell. It stank of dried blueberries and resin which was beautiful. The flavor was packed into every millimeter of solid hashy goodness. This came as advertised.
Product: 5/5 Hard to start but with some warmth and love it opened up to show me its beauty. It wasn't oily to the touch and kept its color through the processes of manipulation into various forms.
The Burn: (OCB papers) 5/5 I tried to take photos but it didn't work. The hash burnt at its own pace, when mixed with a drier product the hash ash stood tall amongst the ashes of the flower. When hope was lost on the cherry the hash embers would bring the joint back to life with no relights. This was truly magical.
The Buzz: 5/5 Blueberry brick brain with an artistic twist. It helped me think deeply on subjects that did not matter at all ever.
The Burnout: 3/5 It was expected to have a heavy body burn out, what was nice was only my body was tired. The brick brain was like a Nana nap for my brain. I felt fully wired mentally.
Overall: 25/30 I'd like more information on the packaging, that's pretty much all I'd change because this was a sleeper hit. I'm not saying go get this but I'm begging you if you can get it mail it out my way because this company knows hash, its old school pack job and amazing product sets this apart from those bogus "retro" hashes.
As always,
Peace, love and pre-rolls