
It Takes Two to Mango

Fritz’s It Takes Two to Mango gummies

THC: 10mg ( 2 x 5mg )

CBD: <0.1mg

Package Date: September 7th, 2022

Price: $8.06

The Fritz's It takes Two to Mango gummies were pretty solid. They had a real mango fruit leather taste to them that was alright (I am not the biggest mango fan). I still really love the tough chew they have. I really felt like I actually got to enjoy and chew these gummies since a lot are either too soft or too small to really get into. They are just the usual 10mg of distillate which gave me my usual head high. 

It's a nice little variation and I like that they are a two piece option that doesn't add terps which can add a not wanted herbal bit to gummies when there isn't a need for it all the time. A nice thought from them though is having that edibles can take up to 90 minutes for some folks to take effect on the packaging. Budtenders can and often do bring this up but it’s easy to forget when they get the gummies home.

Natasha Simms