El Blunto

Cullinan diamond infused blunt 

El Blunto Cullinan diamond infused blunt - 1 x 2g

THC %: 40.743

CBD %: <0.1

Terpene %: 3.3

Package Date: February 5th, 2024

Price: $39

I did not end up impressed by the El Blunto Cullinan diamond infused blunt. Despite the really nice and rich aroma from the tube, none of that was in the flavor. It was in the smoke funny enough. This did not start off well either as the smoke was very acrid. It wasn't unpleasant enough to stop entirely but I did have some not fun moments from time to time. It burned kind of odd too, kind of vacillating between canoeing and leveling itself off over and over. 

The high was fine, but not particularly heavy. This didn't have a good glass tip either as bits kept falling through because it was quite open and wide. It also made it hard to finish as the hot smoke started back filling it without me drawing through. I can see what they were going for but given this felt worse to me than a Wink blunt, I do wonder what exactly went into this one. This was frankly the worst diamond infused anything I have smoked.

Natasha Simms