Super Toast
SuperToast Hoagies Indica Prerolls 2 x 1g
THC %: 25.8
CBD %: 0
No Terpene percentage listed
Package date: July 12, 2023
Price: $13
I tried out yet another new Pure Sunfarms brand recently. It was the SuperToast Hoagies and I admit I am a little disappointed. The big tube has plenty of room for the strain name yet they chose not to include it. I do get it's a rotating cultivar but that has never stopped Weed Me from doing it and their tubes are half the size. All you get is indica and the THC percentage. The prerolls were a little soft and loosely packed. There was also bit of excessive paper on the tips. There wasn't a strong aroma or taste it them. Honestly they tasted a lot how the Pure Sunfarms indicas as a whole tasted before last winter. Not that it tasted old, it was just a flavor profile that all their indica strains seemed to have some variation of before things like Sugar Cookies or Knockout. The burn was fine, the joint bent a bit from the loose pack and resin combined. The ash was a bit odd though as the first bit was very dark and then afterwards it got much lighter. It wasn’t a paper cause either since it was dark all the way through.
The high was kind of light but not weak if that makes any kind of sense. It was more physical than heady. I'm not disappointed by it since it was only $13 but it's not something I would want to try again. I really do find that more people like it when they can know the strains, myself included as it means you can look for similar things if this sells out as it likely would at that price point. There is also the problem of knowing if the batch you got is the same as the last one. There is always too the problems of supply chains with these products disappearing for weeks then coming back. Folks buying budget products like these are looking for daily drivers, items they can get every single day and every single week. This has been a real issue with some budget brands kind of throwing up their hands going “it’s just weed.” That may be but people still do want to know what they are getting.