Adults Only
NSFW Mango Diamond
Product By: Adults Only NSFW
Missionary Mango NSFW Liquid Diamond Cartridge
THC 785 mg/g
Total THC Total: 937 mg/g
CBD <10 mg/g
% Terps not listed
Terps Listed: Limonene Linalool Pinene
Price: I received this 0.5 g cart as a sample at Kind Summer Fair. Dispensaries carry it as a 1.0g cart. OCS website has it listed for $41.95
Quick Recap: It hits nice, flavorful and has a pleasant aftertaste. You will need your own battery to use this cart.
Packaging: 4/5 The sides of the packaging were easy enough for me to press and slide the top off. The lining was removable, and the tin can be reused to hold joints. I like all the information on the back, including the extraction method (Hydrocarbon).
Aroma/Taste: 3.5/5 The smell is faint. The flavour is sweet. I can't taste the mango very much, but it is sweet like honey. The aftertaste is subtle.
Burn 4/5. I will use this category to describe the way the cart pulls. Since i received a 0.5 gram cart I should get about 50 pulls from it. For a whole gram, you should get about 100+ draws. The vapour is thick but doesnt coat your tongue. Sometimes the tip clogs but you can clear it quickly with a good draw.
Buzz: 4/5. I took a good ten hits in a row on this. It's a head high, my eyes feel droopy, and my shoulders have dropped. I'm relaxed.
Overall: 15.5 /20
Final thoughts
For the newbies: This will be too strong for you. These carts are made with DIAMONDS. If you don't know what diamonds are, please read up on them, as they are strong.
For the oldies: Finally! A REAL strong cart! I chatted with the representative, who told me they're one of the first companies to do this type of diamond extraction to liquid for carts. Very innovative.