Pistol And Paris


Pistol and Paris - Notorious 

25.7% THC

3.9% Terps. 

Packaging Date:2023-SE-25

Terps Posted

Limonene, b-myrcene, a-cedrene


Rec/Medical: Recreational 

Packaging: 4.5/5 

Nice little bag that held everything and that was about all. Decent information, a bit more than what's required. It also came with an integra pack inside as well!

Aroma/taste: 3.75/5 

The smell hit the nose from the chest, which was a good start. A bit of an earthy kind of lemon smell came from the bag. I feel like my senses are a little off lately, things are hard for me to pick up on lately. 

The taste started with a gassy lemon kind of taste and moved into a more woodsy earthy kind of taste. 

Buds: 4/5 

A few good sized nugs with some little stragglers. Some deep purple and dark green colouring and covered in trichomes. Not a whole lot of bounce back on the squeeze but it didn't stay squished. 

Under The Scope 3/5

Now, this would have been a lot better, but I ended up finding a bug on one of the nugs. Otherwise it was pretty good. Nice clear and milky trichomes. A couple amber ones, but still not bad. A bit of decapitated trichome stalks but I have seen worse. 

The Burn: (Carmel papers) 4/5 

Nice greyish white ash on the end. Not much of a resin ring, but it was trying to make one. Was fairly smooth, with just a little bit of a tickle in the throat. 

The Buzz: 4/5 

A very nice just relaxing high. It comes on very slowly but once it hits, it just relaxes your entire body. Very nice just end a long day kind of buzz. 

The Burnout: 4/5 

Really not that bad, a bit dreary eyed. I'm also a little more tired than before when I smoked. I'm hoping the monster I have in my fridge will help that. 

Overall:  27.25/35

Honestly, other than the bug, this was great! Definitely a nice relaxing high, just kind of makes you forget about the world for a minute and just relax a bit. A bit pricier than I normally would go for, but I felt like treating myself. 
