Wildlife Cannabis

 Tim Buds

Wildlife Cannabis - Tim Buds

THC: 26.6

CBD: 0.08%

Terpenes: 2.04%

Packaged: 2023-JA-21

Packaging: 5/5

Amazing Packaging! Humidity pack and enough info that you have to read for a while!

Bud/preroll visual appeal: 4/5


Bud size: 4/5

Not terrible sizing but could a little better

Bud density/preroll quality: 4/5

Moisture level: 4/5

Seed content: 5/5 (0-lots, 5-none)

Trichome desity: 5/5

Tricohomes fall off when you pick it up!

Aroma: 5/5

Aroma strength/power: 5/5

Just hit in the face immediately when opened

Taste: 3/5

Smoothness: 3/5

Potency: 3.5/5

Duration of effects: 3.5/5


What colours are present in the bud?

Very light green with some yellowish and darker green patches. Red hairs throughout!

What colours are the trichomes? (Clear/cloudy white/amber/brown)

Cloudy white

What color was the ash? (Black/grey/white)


How did you consume it?

Joint rolled in Carmel Promo Papers

How much did you consume?

.5 grams

How long did the effects last?

25-30 minutes

Describe the aromas and taste.

The bag says mint and citrus and it's not wrong! It's a slight mint smell with a good citrus scent behind it. The taste is a bit more on the earthier side

Describe the effects you experienced.

The like perfect video game effects. I just got a new game today and this makes me want to just play but also relax and enjoy it at the same time!

Did you experience any after effects?

Nothing really to bad. A little dreary eyed but that's all
