Earthwolf Farms

Blue City Diesel Live Rosin

Earthwolf Farms Blue City Diesel live Rosin - 1g

THC %: 67.05

CBD %: 2.22

Terpene %: 7.9

alpha-Pinene, beta-Myrcene, beta-Caryophyllene

Package Date: May 19th, 2023

Price: $49.99

Earthwolf Farms put out a really lovely new rosin this year of Blue City Diesel. I found it to be absolutely delightful no matter how I used it. The packaging was solid though there was a bit of stuff stuck to the lid but that could have come from BC Cannabis's handling since I made sure it stayed upright at home. The flavor had a lot of depth and complexity, each time I used it I tasted something else. There was pine, citrus, funk, earth, dried fruits, sour and more. The texture was quite sticky so could be a bit of an issue if you aren't loading a heated banger. 

Natasha Simms 

There were some slight issues in loading my pens since they are cold starts. I will say the flavor shone the best in my Yocan Orbit and the weakest in the Puffco Plus. It does burn very clean though. Even on ceramic there was not a ton of residue but if there was too much rosin used the nice flavors would not last as long as the rosin did. The only real downside was this is a return to early legacy pricing and is about $50 for 1g before tax from BC Cannabis online which means even higher in brick and mortar stores. This really does limit products like these to novelty seekers who will pay extra just to try something different.