Phyto Funk

Orange Push Pop

Phyto Funk Orange Push Pop 3.5g

THC %: 27.1

CBD %: 0.05

Terpene %: 2.6

Caryophyllene, Limonene, Neriolidol, Humulene

Package Date: September 29th, 2023

Price: $28

I wasn't expecting much from the Phyto Funk Orange Push Pop but I was quite pleasantly surprised. It was one of the best things I've seen under a scope this year other than the Royal Harvest flower. It came with one really nice bud and a few much smaller ones but there was a good trim. The colors were also nice though I could see there were parts that looked close to fading. The aromas were muted, with mild pepper and light fruits and nuts. The glass jar was quite nice and had a good amount of information. I do like to see budget flower in glass jars. I’m sure it could have been even cheaper in a bag but I’m willing to pay that extra to keep this flower stored better. It definitely did it’s job because this felt kind of sticky and the buds had a good moisture to them.

The flavors also were not strong but quite nice. It definitely had a citrus flavor that was prominent but also some sour musk and breadiness. It did have a bit of a tickle but was otherwise quite smooth. Where it switched to excellent was in the high. It was lovely and relaxing in both mind and body. It was fairly balanced for me but more indica leaning for my partner. Where it goes to outstanding is this quality for only $28 and I've seen other stores as low as $25.50. The most expensive I've seen this is $30 which is still a good value for what you get in eighths. I'm really glad I gave this a shot and why sometimes you find some real gems in cheap products. I really hope they can maintain this quality level and stick around.

Natasha Simms