BC Smalls

Dubble Motorboat

BC Smalls Dubble Motorboat - 3.5g

THC %: 25.79

CBD %: 0.553

Terpene %: 3.22

(R)-(+)-Limonene 0.97, Farnesene 0.75, Trans-Caryophyllene 0.37

Package Date: December 30th, 2023

Price: $19.99

The BC Smalls Dubble Motorboat ended up surprising me in flavor. Under the scope, it did show a lot of age and damage. They honestly are trimmed quite close, I would not be surprised if these were machine trimmed. There also was very low aroma on opening the bag. There were notes, once I kind of shoved my nose in, of a sour citrus and gas. This did not grind very fluffy either. It really felt like you get exactly what you pay for with these and no more. The flavor in the first half of the smoke really echoed the aromas which I was not expecting. It was quite nice even if it did go kind of bland in the second half. However the age was showing in that it was a very weak body high and not much mental high to speak of. It also was very short, about half as long as even some flower the same age.  

The disappointment kind of is with the packaging itself. Despite plenty of room, they do not mention the grower and in fact just say it’s part of the BC black group. This is very misleading as Joint Venture Craft as far as I know doesn’t grow. Their website used to show the growers but they have been slowly scrubbing that information away. The claims there isn’t room on the packaging are very misleading and no excuses like that work for scrubbing that information from the website as well.  If you are still considering this brand with all that is going on with Joint Venture Craft, definitely check the age as there can be a lot of degradation.

Natasha Simms