Power Plant Inc.
Power Plant Inc.
27.41% THC
0.0% CBD
% Other
% terps.
Price: $49.99 Mendo
Size: 7 grams
Rec/Medical: Both (?)
Opening thoughts:
Unknown company, unknown strain equals I'm super curious. The price tag was worth the gamble either way. Guava and purple fig sounds like a combination worth trying at least once.
Will this be as bad as the Malfoys or as good as Dobby?
Now I'm smoking for Science (so you don't have to!)
Break Down:
Packaging: let's start with the pros, there's a bovida pack. Cons, large black plastic jar, unsealed, next to no information and I'm questioning who the company is. Packed by Regal but made by power Plant?
Aroma/taste: ever smell thrills gum while someone peeled an orange?that's the draco smell in a nut shell,the flavor is the same. If I had soap like this when I was a kid I would of sworn more.
Buds: A dark colored strain with orange hairs that pop aganistits dark background, light fluffy buds that look like their dense bit sadly aren't. It doesn't shimmer in the light it more absorbs it making it harder to photograph.
The Burn: (pure hemp papers) these burn well bit there's no resin ring. Nothing note worthy.
The Buzz: super light but mind numbing.
The Burnout: Very light and forgiving, the was very very mild.
Overall: I enjoyed this, the jar went pretty quick due to it being fluffy and squished down a lot during the rolling process. The flavor was an interesting one, I did like it but it's definitely not an all the time thing but it was a nice change up. I'd get it again but not right away.
As always,
Peace, love and pre-rolls