BC Weed Co
Forum Cut (GSC)
BC Weed Co Forum Cut (GSC)
THC %: 29.13
CBD %: 0.31
Terpene %: 4.3
Package Date: December 4th, 2023
Price: $59.99
I really loved the BC Weed Co's Forum Cut GSC. It just is a shame it was basically five months old when BC Cannabis brought it out for sale. It still was a really quality product, I just feel the wait turned it from outstanding to very good. It still looked incredible under the scope and had a decent amount of strong aromas. It was a rich set of aromas that had notes of citrus and a strong kind of floral kush. I did find it got a bit louder after being out of the can for a bit but that might have just been from handling. It had some nice size buds, one was even thumb sized.
It also was very well developed under the scope. It ground nicely, keeping a nice bit of resin throughout. It was a bit too resinous for a joint. I had both joints I smoked clog up halfway through from the resin melting. The flavor stayed very close to the aromas for the first two thirds of the smoke but picked up a kind of nasty ashy flavor right at the end. It was quite smooth the entire time. It did tickle my sinuses a couple of times at the beginning from the strength of the smoke. The high was lighter than I expected but it has been a while since anything related to girl scout cookies has come through the legal market. It was very pleasant and relaxing, just not as heavy as I prefer. It did really enhance the vape I had afterwards to be much stronger than usual.
It also was very nice that the grower Purefire was mentioned on the can. The can also really helped preserve all these buds from both crush damage and by being more airtight than a bag. I cannot imagine this holding up as well even in the nicest of mylar bags. All in all, this is a good product but probably later batches if we see them will be even better.