Frost Cannabis

Frosted Fruit Cake 

Frost Cannabis - Frosted Fruit Cake

22.9% THC

3.418% Terps. 

Terps Posted 

Linalool, Limonene, Farnesene, Trans-Caryophyllene

Price: 39.95 OCS

Rec/Medical: Recreational

Packaging: 3.5/5 

It was a sample, so I don't know if it normally comes with a humidity pack or not but this one didn't, which is fine. Other than that I do get the bag, but it would be so much nicer to see a glass jar! Good info, after that gets into the fancier stuff lol

Aroma/taste: 3.75/5 

Very nice kind of citrusy scent but with kind of a little twist. It's actually really interesting but it definitely has something to do with the linalool. The scent gets much stronger after busting up tho! The taste is actually very similar to the scent but comes on stronger in the smoke! It reminds me of like fruit loops cereal milk. 

Buds: 3.75/5 

The nugs do look really nice and stuck to my finger a little after the squeeze. Sadly, there isn't much denseness to them and they just kind of squished with no bounce back. 

The Burn: (TGOD Promo Papers) 4.5/5 

Nice white ash on the end and a nice resin ring to go with it! A little tickle on the throat by the end but not terrible

The Buzz: 4/5 

A very nice kind of heavy hitting hybrid high. You get a bit in the head but not a whole lot and you get the nice and relaxing feeling. It's a very much feels like a 50/50 mix

The Burnout: 4.5/5 

Wow, really nothing to it, just back to wanting to smoke more after a little bit.

Overall:  24/30

I've been wanting to try this for a while and I'm glad I did. Has a great taste to it and hits pretty nicely but not over the top. A little above average on the price, but for the clean burn out, it might be worth it as a nice treat every once in a while.
