Purple Farm

Booty Clapper

Purple Farm



28% THC

0.54% CBD

% Other

% terps.

Price: $109.99 Mendo

Size: 14 grams

Rec/Medical: Medical

Opening thoughts:

Based on the funny name alone it was worth the gamble. This company dropping strains only found on Mendo has been hurting my pocket book greatly.

The genetics makes this sound fun and I'm very hopeful since the only let down I've had from this company is that all of their strains aren't available yet.

Now I'm smoking for Science (so you don't have to!)

**Endo Packs do not get graded**

Break Down:

Aroma/taste: 5/5 The stocky buns part of this cross is VERY apparent. The sweet sticky scent wafts from the bag like fresh cinnamon bread. The flavor meekly matches the scent which I was thankful for since I was worried it would be too sweet and I'm thankful that it wasn't.

Buds: 3.5/ 5 some dense buds, a touch drier than expected. A few trophy buds with a lot more accessory buds but no major show stoppers. Coloring was nice and busted up fairly decently. 

The Burn: (pure hemp unbleached papers) 5/5 Great even burn, very white ash and a great smoke. Burns a little faster than expected but that could be because I couldn't stop hauling on the joint.

The Buzz: 4/5 great day time smoke, not too heavy but not too light. It's a great mixer and a fantastic stand alone. Good mellow head buzz with a nice muscle relaxant.

The Burnout: 4/5 it's got a drop off but nothing too serious, a nice light meal and some caffeine makes it seem a lot lighter too. It's an easy fix.

Overall: 21.5/25 The saddest thing was running out of it. A 14g bag wasn't enough but I worry any more might have tainted me from anyone else's buds. There's a reason this company shot up into my top five list of legal producers. As far as I know it's only available on Mendo Medical, so if ya can grab it with both hands.

As always,

Peace, love and pre-rolls

- Papa Jefe.