Pistol And Paris

Blackberry Breath

Pistol and Paris Blackberry Breath Prerolls 3 x 0.5g

THC %: 24.83

CBD %: 0.46

Terpene %: 1.5

No specific terpenes listed

Package date: July 28, 2023

Price: $18

Pistol and Paris Blackberry Breath is another set of prerolls that I was kind of disappointed with. First off the cones were put in poorly and got stuck. They have very wide ends for cones and they put two of them tip down so they were stuck together even as I shook the tube. It took tweezers to get one out so I could get the last one. Either they need narrow cones and take the complaints they may be hard to draw or burn or just commit to a larger tube or even a different style of tube. They did burn well but even I was a bit put off by it burning very black.

 Part of that though was that two of the three tasted terrible. The flavors were just burnt and muddy mostly with a bit of woody musk. The contrast in quality in that one preroll was nicely citrus and flavorful (though after two bad ones hard to taste well). If they all had tasted like that I frankly wouldn’t have cared that they burned black.  That despite tasting bad there was a very nice body high from them is very frustrating. I don’t mind flavors I wouldn’t normally like when it comes with a good high, just dirty and burnt flavors do not make the high worth it when there are dozens of products at the same price that don’t taste bad and get me just as high. While when it's nice, it is good, the troubling inconsistent quality in this brand makes me just not want to try it further.

Natasha Simms