Cookies - Bernie Hanna Butter

Cookies - Bernie Hanna Butter

32.7% THC

-% Terps. 

Packaging Date: 2023-07-23

Terps Posted:

Caryophyllene, Myrcene, Limonene 

Price: $33.96 Canja Cannabis

Rec/Medical: Recreational

Packaging: 4/5 

Alright, I'm not going to lie, the ice cream packaging got me lol. It's just adorable and you don't see it a lot, so I had too. It surpsingly had the top 3 terpenes, but didn't contain the percentage for them. It was also just a small plastic blue jar tucked tightly inside the tub. 

Aroma/taste: 3/5 

A gassy kind of lemon cleaner kind of scent. Wow, apparently my scent is not the same anymore lol but yeaah, it smell nice but isn't overly strong. The gassiness came out a lot more when it was ground up. 

The gas comes through on the flavor but still has that hint of lemon in the back. It got a little more earthier about half way through. 

Buds: 3.5/5 

Nice and solid buds. Also had a bit of give and stuck to my fingers a bit. Fairly light green colour to then with some darker spots throughout. A good coverage of orange hairs on the buds as well. The 3.5 was between 4 decent sized nugs

Under The Scope 2/5

Holy slaughter city!! Just decapitated trichomes everywhere. It actually took me a little bit to find an area that had a decent amount of heads left. The only reason this didn't get a 1 is because the heads that are left, look really good! But I wish all of the other stalks got to keep their head. 

The Burn: (Fumes papers) 3.5/5 

Greyish ash and no resin ring (not that surprising after the scope shot)  A little bit of a canoe, but that could of been a rolling issue. It's at least fairly smooth, so it's nice to smoke.

The Buzz: 4/5 

It's kind of an uppity chill vibe. I am also drinking a coffee (I made it, so it's not weak lol) so that could be the uppity feeling. Other wise it's hitting hard behind the ends and in the body. Like I'm kind of sat in one spot and now I don't want to move for anything lol it's not the most intense tho, and the couch lock did not last too long. 

The Burnout: 3.5/5 

It wasn't actually too bad of a burn out. Just a little dreary eyed but nothing really other than that. 

Overall: 23.5/35

Honestly, for Cookies, I was expecting more. The smoke was still enjoyable but I was hoping for a heavier hitting high. It was also underweight by I think a .5 or so (for some reason I forgot to write this while writing the review). For what I paid, it was worth the try and keeping the jar, but I don't know if I would repurchase it. I'm glad they lowered the price of their products by a lot but it seems like the quality went with it. 
