
Calm Drops

Introducing a radiant addition to the world of wellness and self-care: Ufeelu Calm Drops. This innovative sunflower oil stands out as a game-changer and I’m here to dive into the features and advantages of this remarkable product, exploring how it can enhance your daily life and contribute to your overall well-being. Whether you're a culinary enthusiast, a skincare aficionado, or simply curious about the potential of this sunflower-derived elixir, I hope you find something insightful within this. So, let's jump into this and open your eyes to how Ufeelu can become an essential part of your everyday healthy lifestyle.

I started taking CBG in conjunction with THC to make it hit a little harder. After dabbling with that I decided to open my eyes to the other side of the spectrum. At first I was skeptical as I always believed CBD was a farce, it turns out I had been taking CBD in such micro doses that the minimal amounts of CBD I was trying off the bat wasn’t doing anything. After speaking to a professional they recommended I take 25mg twice daily to begin to feel relief. 

My first interaction with the Calm Drops was one that had me coming back for more. The relief and calm that came over my whole body left me with one word “Wow!”

Within 20 minutes my brain had stopped buzzing and I felt focused and ready for anything. I had the patience of a saint that day. It wasn’t long after I noticed my back pain was non-existent, this 3:1 ratio of CBD:CBG was exactly what I needed. 

A lot of other oils I’ve tried leave me with a bad taste in my mouth so to say as I have a bad texture problem, so it’s super nice to not have the coating in my mouth after the first dose. In the 30mL bottle of sunflower oil you get 18 botanical terpenes, 900mg of CBD and 300mg of CBG. The unique thing about this oil is that it is THC free. The terpene profile consists of beta-caryophyllene, linalool, delta-limonene, alpha-phellandrene and myrcene. The flavour is lavender forward with citrus and mint undertones. I mix this with my morning coffee to attack the day. More recently I’ve added the Relief drops to my daily ritual, so stay tuned for that review!!
