Gorilla Garden
Stinky Fuel
Gorilla Garden - Stinky Fuel
2.5% THC
0.06% CBD
2.47% Terps.
Packaging Date: 10 - 27 - 2023
Price: $55.84 Canna Cabana
Rec/Medical: Recreational
Packaging: 4/5
This is the kind of packaging that I'm looking for! Great information from the breeder, to even how it was grown. For some reason they didn't include the breakdown of the terpenes?
I do wish it was a bit smaller of a bag, but it would make the information more difficult to see, so I understand.
Aroma/taste: 3.5/5
Not the strongest Aroma. My nose only really starts to pick up on it when the bag is close to my chin. The scent is intriguing though. It's like a kind of nutty and grassy smell to it. It actually kind of got a pepperiness once I started squishing it and breaking it open more.
On the dry pull the pepperiness really comes through. It's almost like eating a pepperette, its an interesting taste. The taste once lit is more milder. It still has a bit of the pepperiness but more with a slight nutty earty flavor.
Buds: 4.5/5
Some very nice looking nugs in the bag, one of them was 3.7 grams alone. They have a nice dark but vibrant green hue with some yellow but also some spots that look like a nice blue colour. There was a bit of a crunch on the squeeze but it decided to glue itself to my finger.
Under The Scope 5/5
Under the scope was just a beautiful sight. Tons of perfectly matured trichome heads covering all of the buds. There were a couple that were starting to go that amber colour, but they didnt actually hit it. I also didnt find any mold or bugs!
The Burn: (Raw Black Hemp papers) 4.5/5
Wow, I think this just proved what a difference in papers can do. This was the whitest ash i have ever seen. It was kind of amazing to see. It was a little ticklish on the throat and made me cough a little bit. We even had a bit of a resin ring forming but they never seem to go all the way around for me, I kind of wish I knew how lol
The Buzz: 4/5
For 25%, this hit very nicely. More on the indica dominant hybrid side than I was expecting, but its still an enjoyable high. Just really nice and chilled out but I'm still up for trying to get some things done. Definitely a great day off, sit, chill and smoke kind of product
The Burnout: 4/5
A little on the tired side and the munchies are kind of becoming a problem lol but it is also like 1 pm on a day i worked a random 3 hour morning shift, so its kind of to be expected.
Overall: 29.5/35
This was definitely a great product! It hit really nice and hard but not overly too much, where you can still function. I wish the flavor was more there but that could just be me (I vape too much some times and I think it messes with my senses lol but great product and would definitely suggest trying it out!