Green Monke

Mango Guava

Product: Green Monke Mango Guava 

THC: 3mg

CBD: 6mg

Calories: 25

Price: $4.55 listed on OCS website 

Quick recap: If you're looking for a lite mocktale this might be for you. 

Packaging Being someone with sore hands I do hate all of this restrictive packaging on drinks but that being said, this is one of the easier ones for me to open. 4/5

Visual Appeal     The can is a nice deep red color, the writing for the flavor is very small to read thou. The color of the liquid is a cloudy muted orange. 2.5/5

Aroma/Taste Happy to say even though it is a carbonated water it doesn't have that tonic taste. BUT it is sweetened with sucralose and that's all I can taste. There is only 5g of sugars but it is easy to detect. The scent is citrusy and it has a Mango/Guava flavor. The drink does leave a slight film on your tongue with an odd (sucralose) after taste 2/5

Easy of ingesting: I can't take big gulps of this one, just little sips. Definitely one I would like to add ice to. Could easily be mistaken for a fancy drink if served in a fancy glass. May take me a while to drink it all to be honest.  2/5 

Effects: Not expecting to get a buzz off of 3mg of THC. I feel like this is more of a take out when you have friends over to pretend like you are drinking an alcoholic beverage. It won't get you feeling loopy but you can fit in I have a slight rosieness to my cheeks. 2/5

Overall 12.5/25 (50%)

Final thoughts: This is not one I would personally purchase again but it might be something you like.

For the newbies: Won't know if you like it til you try what's out there.

For the oldies: This is for a Sunday afternoon to sip on while reading a book. 
