
Strawberry Banana

Craftport Strawberry Banana prerolls 3 x 0.5g

THC %: 28.436

CBD %: 0.071

Terpene %: 1.19

Package Date: July 31, 2023

Price: $15

I picked up the Craftport Strawberry Banana prerolls mostly to confirm if they really were as bad as I had been hearing. It ended up being a bit yes and a bit no. First off I don't think the plastic wrap around the outside really added anything more to what the tube was already doing. It really was just an unnecessary and unhelpful extra bit of plastic. While the tube was holding the prerolls in perfectly, that also made it a bit of a pain to get them out. I ended up needing tweezers to pry two out before the third would move. The label did have a terpene percentage but the tube could have stood to be a bit larger.

There was a nice albeit average aroma from the prerolls of a kind of fruity smoothie that does hint at the name of the strain. Sadly that did not carry over into the smoke. The smoke just ended up tasting very burnt until the end where it had a chemical floral flavor. It was a bit dry but not obnoxiously so but it is clear the plastic did not help retain any kind of moisture. The high was pretty average as well but at least hit solidly. I could tell the promise in this strain that could have been. It is a bit of a shame that this LP ended up so hit and miss as I have enjoyed other strains from them. 

Natasha Simms