MTL Cannabis
Strawberry N' Mintz
MTL Cannabis
Strawberry n Mintz
35.7% THC
0.7% CBD
0% Other
4.20% terps.
Price: $32.95
Size: 3.5 grams
Rec/Medical: Rec
Opening thoughts:
The one that I haven't tried yet. I hummed and hawed over this one for AGES. I've been let down by quite a few of their products. Their Sage n sour always leaves me curious, so I try and try again. Is this yet another failed attempt? Or has this changed the pattern
Now I'm smoking for Science (so you don't have to!)
Break Down:
Packaging: 3.5/5 Its got the good info, it id hard to read but its there. Plastic jar that holds the product very well with a humidity pack. Its got a little static cling but nothing to die over.
Aroma/taste: 3/5 I'm not sure what I was expecting when opening this jar. It was a planty lemon zested Aroma, the flower tasted like strawberry leaf when consumed. No mint though, maybe thats the leaf part.
Buds: 4/ 5 at first glance, these didn't sparkle, nice tight density, solid sizes and shapes but a bit moist. Now on second glance after being left out for 10 mins; the crystals popped and she shined like a diamond.
The Burn: (rice papers) 3/5 Lots of relights, I should of let it "age" abit more I guess. No resin rings and burnt dark ash due to improper burning.
The Buzz: 2 /5 for a boasted 35% this was very timid. I feel like if I asked it to dance it'd hug the wall like a fifth grader at a boy/girl dance party. It was uplifting just a little let down. What does "35% sativa" feel like anyways?
The Burnout: 5/5 nope. Nothing to see here. Right as rain.
Overall: 20.5 /30 It wasn't a total loss. I did enjoy it, I enjoyed it more with some hash. It didn't feel like advertised, but I didn't buy it for the %. I bought it because it needed to be smoked for Science.