Lowkey By MTL


Lowkey by MTL - Dessert

28.3% THC

0.05% CBD

3.38% Terpenes Caryophyllene, Limonene, Pinene, Linalool, Humulene

Recreational Market



Packaging 3.5/5

Yes, this bud came in a basic pouch, but the color they chose looks great! For the “value” side of their brand, the packaging is still quite aesthetically pleasing. I would have preferred a jar like their main lineup includes, but again, for the cost savings I’m not really disappointed. I appreciated that they put the terpenes on the label as well, but I would have preferred that they list the breakdown of terpenes with individual percentages.

Visual Appeal 4/5

Visually, these buds were beautiful! I unfortunately didn’t get any scope shots of this one, but the bud itself was a combination of dark green and purple with some orange hairs and plenty of fuzzy-looking trichomes that could be easily seen by the naked eye. 

Bud Size 3.5/5

This package contained 4 medium-sized buds, with no popcorn or shake at the bottom of the bag. Nothing special, but also nothing to be disappointed over. 

Bud Density 2.5/5

In terms of bud density, I would have liked to see a little bit more. It certainly had room for a little more density, but I don’t think the moisture level helped this one either. This immediately felt dry between the fingers, and the bud nearly disintegrated between my fingers. 

Moisture Level 2/5

Packaged in July, and smoked in September, this was not an old package at all. However, it really lacked in terms of moisture retention. This crunched and crumbled between my fingers and seemed like any aroma disappeared shortly after opening the package.

Trichome Density 5/5

This bud was really pretty. I’m not going to deny that one. Unfortunately, I did not get any scope shots, but even without a scope the trichomes couldn’t be missed. You can see they put in a lot of care to ensure the final product still has that “wow” factor when you open the bag.  

Aroma 3/5

I was recommended this cultivar by numerous people over the last year or so, saying that if I enjoyed Haze from LowKey, then I needed to try Dessert. Supposedly, it comes with this delicious aroma of caramel apples, that comes right through in the taste, but that was not the case for me. I’m not sure whether the package I received had a hole in it, but I got a very light, herbal smell to it that smelled nothing like apples, caramel, or any dessert at all. Maybe some faint notes of Humulene, but this wasn’t anything to write home about.

Taste 3/5

Just like the aroma, I didn’t get nearly the same kind of taste that everybody was talking about. If the aroma was muted, the taste was even more muted. It didn’t have a bad taste by any means, but it was very light. I was hoping to be hit with the same potency I got from their Haze. 

Smoothness 4/5

This was quite kind on the lungs! As an asthmatic smoker who just suffers through the episodes (with my inhaler nearby, of course) I have to be a little more selective about the quality and the terpenes that I consume. However, this one didn’t cause any harsh coughing or adverse reactions to the lungs. 

Potency & Effects 3/5

Pretty average all around. It didn’t put me to sleep, but I wasn’t too eager to get off the couch and do a whole lot. I often find myself “in my own head” after smoking, but there wasn’t a whole lot of that either. 

Overall 33.5/50 (67%)

This had been a recommended bag for quite a while, and I was very eager to try this one after finding out that it won 1st Place for the Hybrid class at the 2023 Karma Cup. However, after learning that Karma Cup has gone Pay-to-Play, I was curious to say the least - what does first place look like when competitors have to pay for their entry position? Do they also get the option of paying a higher fee to rank higher on their award list? These are questions that certainly crossed my mind after sampling.  This wasn’t a bad bag by any means, but in my opinion, it absolutely wasn’t 1st Place worthy of any awards. It was starting to dry out to the point that it was starting to lose flavour and the effects seemed to be average at best. However, these were really pretty buds, and still more than acceptable for a smoke that doesn’t break the bank. LowKey is starting to give “value” consumers a more heightened sensory experience, and will hopefully start to set the bar a little higher for these more frugal customers - you can still enjoy the taste of your cannabis without breaking the bank. 
