The Loud Plug

Venom OG

Bud/preroll visual appeal: 5/5

Bud size: 4/5

Bud density/preroll quality: 4/5

Moisture level: 4/5

Seed content: 5/5 (0-lots, 5-none)

Trichome desity: 5/5

Aroma: 4/5

Aroma strength/power: 3/5

Taste: 3.5/5

Smoothness: 4/5

Potency: 4/5

Duration of effects: 4/5

What colours are present in the bud?

Light green buds covered in trichomes

What colours are the trichomes? (Clear/cloudy white/amber/brown)


What color was the ash? (Black/grey/white)


How did you consume it?


How much did you consume?

.2 grams

How long did the effects last?

About 30 minutes

Describe the aromas and taste.

A woodsy kinda taste. A little piney, a little lemony and a little peppery, all just nicely mixed

Describe the effects you experienced.

Very just chill high. I'm going to be honest, I started watching Instagram stories, then zoned back in and remembered that I was supposed to write the review for it lol

Did you experience any after effects?

A bit of drowsiness, it was 12:50 am when I decided to smoke for this. I usually do go to bed fairly late but I feel more tired at this time than usual.
