Chocolate Caramel Pecan Cluster
Vacay Chocolate Caramel Pecan Cluster
THC: 10mg
CBD: <2mg
Package Date:
Price: $8
We finally got another Vacay edible out here in BC, the Chocolate Caramel Pecan Cluster. I can tell from the name they were trying to be Turtles. Unfortunately, they choose instead of whole or chunks of pecan, there are slivers along the bottom according to the rep. So my disappointment isn't in the flavor or effect but misled expectations. It felt like there was only half a pecan in them. With the negative out of the way, this was still pretty tasty.
This is an improved version of the caramel filled chocolates that came out from Vacay before. There is a thicker chocolate coating which holds up much better and I think the caramel has been thickened slightly too. This means despite the slight break in the bag, nothing leaked out. The 10mg gave me my usual distillate head high so it worked pretty well. It's not particularly divisible though. It's terrible of me but I probably would have liked it better if they didn't call it a cluster but my bias aside, it's a fine edible.