Review Roulette 

Round 4

Dispensary - Canna Cabana Woodlawn

Category - Drink

Selection - Budtenders Choice

Collective Projects - Blood Orange, Yuzu and Vanilla

This drink is amazing! Such a great Orange Creamsicle flavor to it, it always brings me back to my childhood. It's decently carbonated so it has some bubbles but not like a pop. One day we will be able to just buy jugs of infused beverages and I would take one of these lol The effects are good too. Nothing over the top but I could actually feel it, without having anything else in my system.

I feel like I say it every time I write a review on a drink or edible, but I can't wait for the limits to be increased! But I'm sure that day will come eventually, it's just a matter of being patient.

