
Gorilla Berry

26.4 %THC

0.2% CBD

Lot: GLU02723

Packaged April 2 2023

Dry pull is minty/basil very minimal flavour

Spicy at the end, makes the throat burn a bit, that terp Caryophyllene coming in hot

Burn was almost perfect white, light gray would appear throughout the experience

Instant high in the shoulders back and neck slowly down the body. Focus has intensified

Modiviated, elevated mood within minutes.

After a few puffs, like half the joint I was focused on everything I wanted to get done.

Emails, phone calls, fallow up conversations….it has me chatty. Stay focused tho and watch those squirrels, because they appear. This one likes to try and distract me but keep me in a good mood. 👀👀🤣💨💨💨

For my med friends i would use this one again for a mental health day. It gave me a boost and made me feel good and determined and confident I could only hope the same for you but take my experience as , my experience.
