BC Black
French Fire Barb
BC Legacy Exotics
Finally, out of the foggy, rough waters. Time for smooth sailing to an exotic destination, upon which my first introduction to a very complex lady awaits.
Format: Flower 3.5g in a Mylar pouch
Breeder: In house cross - French Fire x Barbara Bud
Cultivated by: Great Gardener Farms Ltd.
Package Date: Aug. 14, 2023
THC: 28.717% CBD: 0.426%
Terpenes: 2.38%
Method of Inhalation: 0.3g, 18 inch Glass Ice Beaker
Packaging: A standard mylar pouch, suitable for the amount going in. There was a humidity control pack inside, barely depleted I might add, even with it being packaged in Aug, and purchased last week. All the pertinent info needed is on the bag, minus a few more particular ones I'd like to see standard such as harvest dates and a COA, but its fairly thorough.
Bag Appeal: Opening the bag was stellar to be honest. I was greeted by a few medium sized buds and one big guy with a funky shape.
Trim: These buds are legit! They've been taken care of like royalty, and it shows in how perfectly they're trimmed. You can barely see any sugar leaves, and the buds look really tight and well-formed. They're super dense and bulky, and the rust-colored pistils are covered with a light green layer. But what really catches your eye is how the trichomes cover them completely, giving them a killer silvery sheen.
Smell: Fermented hops jump out with a Bruce Lee Dragon kick! Make no mistake, it's sour and pungent. A deeper nose dive, subtle scents of white pepper can be detected amongst a backdrop of soft lemon. It's very complex and each smell is distinctly present.
Dry Pull: N/A
Taste: That smell was intense, but it didn't disappoint me. The flavor was on point, with a sour and fermented hop taste that hit first. When I exhaled, I felt a refreshing and dewy taste that I loved. I did cough a bit, but then I could taste a subtle hint of cool lemon.
Microbial: It appears to be free of mold, Bud rot, hairs, fibers, and bugs.
Burn/Ash: The burn was solid and produced white, powdery ash, indicating a clean grow and cure.
Voyage: Here's where things get really interesting! Right after I exhaled, I could feel my mouth numbing...trippy! It was cerebral, but also much more physically impairing than I expected. Felt like cement on my feet trying to climb the stairs. The buzz carried me through a few hours of TV, I got the munchies pretty good too. I passed out before I smoked again though.
Packaging: 4/5
Bag Appeal: 4/5
Trim: 4/5
Smell: 4.5/5
Taste: 4.5/5
Microbial: 4/5
Burn/Ash: 4/5
Effects: 4.5/5
TOTAL: 33.5/40