
Space Waste Blue Razz Shocker Popping Candy

Boxhot Space Waste Blue Razz Shocker popping candy

THC: 10mg

CBD: <1mg

Package date: November 4th, 2022

Normally I wouldn't say edibles have much of an expiration date. Most candy uses so much sugar it kind of preserves itself in some way. The Boxhot Space Waste Blue Razz Shocker does not. I can't say it is the worst tasting edible I have had so far but it came very close. I think the problem frankly was the artificial sweeteners (sorbitol, sucralose and advantame [aspartame]) they used in addition to the medley of sugars. Pop Rocks has a pretty basic formula. Sugar, lactose, flavoring and carbon dioxide. 

The worst part is even with all those unnecessary artificial sweeteners, Space Waste still has more sugar than actual pop rocks. The candy had both dissolved into powder and congealed into a chewy mass with a few specks of popping candy left.  The flavor was just bad. Not nearly good enough raspberry flavor and an intense bitter taste along with the taste of artificial sweeteners. If you are interested in trying this one, check the date first before buying. I have heard some good things about them fresh but at a November 2022 pack date, these were bad. At least the THC worked.

Natasha Simms