Dab Bods

Unicorn Pizz Shatter

Dab Bods Unicorn Pizz shatter vape - 1g

THC %: 81.2

CBD %: <0.1

Terpene %: 4.8

Limonene, Myrcene, Linalool

Package Date: April 24th, 2023

Price: $35.84 

I think the Dab Bods Unicorn Pizz shatter vape might be my favorite even if I always forget to ask my Stigma Grow reps why it's called a shatter vape. The flavor was absolutely delicious. It tasted like a bag of Starbursts which is perfect for the strain name. Breaking that down though it was very sweet with citrus and fruity candy elements. The flavor was also quite long lasting in comparison to other strains from Dab Bods. It had really consistent flavors on all temp settings from low to high. 

I got a very solid body high with some mild mental elements from this vape.  It worked pretty solidly the whole time with no leakages or clogs. However the packaging design  is kind of showing its age a bit. The bag didn’t tear very easily and is just too big compared to newer vape packaging out there. I just wish I could get it in more places in BC than Herbal Dispatch. 

Natasha Simms