Cherry Moon Pie
30.3% THC
<0.5% CBD
0% Other
2.17% terps.
Price: $29.95
Size: 3.5 grams
Rec/Medical: Rec
Opening thoughts:
Riff is one that has been around, an edgy street persona shrouds this brand. They gave live cans of spray paint for displays at one point.
Since their purchase I paid them no mind. This item was one of the items that had hid in my blind spot.
Have I uncovered a gem? Or is this just fools gold?
Now I'm smoking for Science (so you don't have to!)
Break Down:
Packaging: 3/5 It is the same jar and package label since day one. No advances or changes aside from adding what I feel should be required information.
Aroma/taste: 4/5 Shocked when I opened the jar at waist level and my nose was tickled with a dark cherry scent, getting closer it was also pretty wood like. The taste was of dark cherry wood.
Buds: 4/ 5 These dense buds were STICKY, not wet or super moist. Great squish but terrible to grind. Tiny stems and rich colors.
The Burn: (OCB rice papers) 4/5 it burned really well, Grey ash with cute tiny resin rings. No major issues with smoking at any point.
The Buzz: 3.5/5 It hit, it was a smooth body take over. I felt this deeply in my muscles in a good way, like an old school gorilla glue this got me adjusted. Dry eye like someone blew chalk in my face.
The Burnout: 3/5 Now this was expected, I got hit with cement shoes and a serious case of couch lock. Everything tasted good but didn't scratch the itch of the munchie monster I became.
Overall: 21.5 /30 This was a shock, Riff has come a long way from what I remember. Got me looking at you again. Scary.