Double Js 

Kush Pie

It seems like there are a lot more budget offerings these days with some actual quality put forth.  I was slightly skeptical after a previous purchase from this LP, but still allured enough by the price to give it a try.

Format:  Milled - 7g,  Mylar bag

Pkg Date:  Aug. 25, 2023

THC: 25.98%    CBD:  0.06%

Terpenes: 3.03%  60/40 Sativa

Method of Inhalation:  0.3g, 18 inch Glass Ice Beaker 


Packaging:      4/5

Bag Appeal:    3.5/5

Smell:              4/5

Taste:              3.5/5

Microbial:       3.5/5

Burn/Ash:       3.0/5

Effects:            3.5/5

TOTAL:             25/35

Packaging:  For a bag of milled, this had enough info. The pouch size was small and neat and came with a humidity control pack.  It was also nice to see a terpene %, but I would like to see dominant terpenes listed.

Bag Appeal:  If kush pie was a thing, I'm sure it would smell like this.  Opening the bag hits you with an unmistakable kush smell.  The milling is closer to medium than finely ground.  I did notice smaller stems here and there, but nothing crazy.  Some of it was clumped together and had a crispy consistency when broken up.  

Trim:  Well, it wasn't trim or floor droppings.  lol  

Smell:  Skunky, like sour hops, dank herbal, and loud. A very classic kush smell.  Like a freshly baked pie cooling in the window, it was very inviting.

Dry Pull:  N/A

Taste:  I was expecting all kush, I forgot about the pie!  Once you get past the sour hoppy taste, and the herbal medley finishes its dance, a few coughs and a subtle creep of baked dough/ cookie come out and linger on the back of the tongue/ throat.  It was a tad bit harsh though.

Microbial:  nothing jumped out at me specifically, but it is milled and slightly harder to detect.

Burn/Ash:  Burned down well for the most part, but there were charcoal remnants, probably from the smaller stems.   

Voyage: So, this strain was labeled as sativa, but honestly, it was too strong to use during the early part of the day. It was more of a late afternoon or early evening thing. The first hit was pretty exciting and gave me a burst of energy for a few minutes before I started feeling totally stoned, lol. It hits both your head and body pretty quickly.  Not a short-lived buzz, but I felt burnout coming on after what seemed like a long hour or so, smoked again, which led to couch-lock, and Lala land.
