Carmel Moonbow - 7g
THC %: 28.9
CBD %: 0.07
Terpene %: 1.93
Limonene, Myrcene, Caryophyllene
Package Date: February 21st, 2024
Price: $64.95
So to be honest I did not have high hopes for this older package of Carmel Moonbow since the prerolls did not hold up well. The package being short on weight didn’t help either. Happily I was pleasantly surprised by it still having a fair bit of good flavor. The bud appeal was pretty poor though. Only one bud of any size, and they were fuzzy in a way that I don't see in most buds. It was like they were covered in a fine powder, not resin though since it wasn't sticky. It's pretty disappointing in a 7g of this price point and claims of quality. The aroma was low for the buds but not surprising from the age. The trichomes looked fairly nice under the scope. They did look a bit nicer outside than in though.
It was very dry on grinding and did not want to stick to itself at all. I worried a bit about if there was going to be anything to it until I started smoking. The smoke more than made up for it in flavor. While not intense, it had a nice lime corn chip flavor that was pretty consistent. It also never tasted burnt or bitter even after the second one. A strong floral note was underlying it as well that got stronger on the second joint. I guess the resin just was very well preserved since there was even a nice ring on the joints by the middle. The effect did suffer from the aging in the end, being quite short and head only. I might be impressed if I only tried this fresh but I feel Carmel kind of needs to step up as great flower isn't only good the first few months.