I’ve never really reviewed an accessory before but being one of my favorites and something I think more people could use, I knew I wanted to write a piece on the Häpple!
This is a Nugz X Errlectric Dave collab piece!
Errlectric Dave is a glass blower & the clever creator of the Häpple!
Häpple = Hash apple, a name I assume it was given because it’s basically a glass apple you use to smoke hash.
I’ll be honest, before I purchased my first häpple I just did old school hot knives most of the time! When I saw the häpple I knew it was something I needed to have and boy was I ever right! Hash consumption is evolving and I’m so glad we’re ditching the plastic bottles and hot knives for a more modern, simple method that’s so similar to what hash consumers are used to! I think it’s a far better method as well!
The happle is incredibly easy to use, so it doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or seasoned smoker you shouldn’t have any trouble figuring it out.
It’s a two piece accessory, the base and stem. You simply roll your hash into a snake, attach it to the stem, light it till you get a little cherry burning & away you go! Watch the happle pool with smoke and toke until it’s all burned away! It keeps filling, you keep going.
I personally really enjoy this method because It's not only easy like mentioned above, it also really brings out the flavors of the hash for a more enjoyable experience! It’s smooth and burns the hash nicely with very little to no waste and definitely no toxins from plastic bottles!
Unfortunately not all hashes are going to work, I found that you’re best off with a soft, pliable, sticky hash. It rolls out well and sticks nicely to the stem. Anything dry and “sandy” doesn't roll well and I find it almost melts and doesn’t stay burning consistently for ease of use. Most of the very popular hashes on the market work well..and it’s been fun experimenting and seeing what hash I enjoy most in it. I definitely recommend sticking the quality soft pliable hash though! I will add that I’vedoesn't only had a couple hashes not burn or work the way I’d like. Most have worked fine!
Cleaning the happle is as easy as cleaning any other glass accessory. I use 99% ISO..but bong cleaner works as well! I like to keep mine fresh for the best experience so, I clean after a couple uses.
I overall think the Häpple is a quality accessory that’s making exploring hash easier for all consumers and making daily hash smoking far more easy and enjoyable. Now you can put your hash in a joint with some flower but you’ll never experience the hash the same as you do when you smoke it alone.
I definitely recommend this accessory, it’s worth having in your collection!