
Powdered Doughnuts


Powdered doughnuts


25% THC

0.05% CBD

% Other

1.25% terps.

Terps listed

Price: $34.99 Mendo

Size: 3.5 grams

Rec/Medical: Both

Opening thoughts:

Another brand from the lands of Quebec, never heard of them really and they were one of the options I'd never tried on mendo. I liked the logo so maybe that's promising.

Will this be fit for recycling or will it be straight trash?

Now I'm smoking for Science (so you don't have to!)

Break Down:

Packaging: 3/5 It's a small black tuna can with a white label. The lid is probably the worst part. It's resealable sure but pops off pretty easily when dropped from a short height, it's also not even close to air tight. It also seems to keep the kief stuck to the bottom and sides.

Aroma/taste: 2.5/5 it had to be up to my nose to smell the shockingly sweet fruity Aroma. I almost thought I opened something else to be honest. When smoking it the taste reminded me of a fruit tart and nothing of a doughnut. Didn't hate it, it was just unexpected.

Buds: 2/5 a medley of sizes, nothing to be sad about but definitely nothing to be excited about either. A few hints of purple, and an astounding amount of crystals. Doesn't fluff up, grinds very small. 

The Burn: (pure hemp papers) 4/5 although it rolls smaller sized joints than I'd prefer; they burn well. Light grey ash with no resin rings.

The Buzz: 3/5 decent buzz, more restful than get up and go but it does activate my brain for creativity. I just wish I had the motivation to follow through on those things.

The Burnout: 3/5 steep downhill, its manageable but still heavier than expected

Overall: 18.5/30 I liked it, it wasn't astounding but I liked it. It's a decent experience but I dont think it was worth the price tag. I'm not overly let down by this but I'm not rushing out to try anymore of their line up anytime soon.

As always,

Peace, love and pre-rolls

- Papa Jefe.