Collective Arts
Mango Pineapple Coconut
Collective Arts Mango, Pineapple & Coconut drink - 355mL
THC: 5 mg
CBD: 5 mg
Price: $8
I tried the Collective Arts Mango Pineapple & Coconut sparkling drink during a fall dry spell of edibles. I had actually really been hoping for something with a bit more flavor out of this. Sadly despite the very lovely fruity aroma, the taste was very light. It reminded me a lot of flavored coconut water. However even with the light flavor I didn't really taste any of the distillate so this does make for a nice light 1:1 drink. It was on the lighter side being only 5mg each of THC and CBD so I didn't really feel it much as my sweet spot is right at 10mg for my distillate high. The carbonation was pretty good but that did limit its chuggability. It is very refreshing when it's hot out but loses some allure in the colder weather. It is a very pleasant addition to the low dose drink options.