Puff N Ponder S2 E4

Puff n Ponder

With Papa Jefe

Season's green things. 

"Bah humbug"- Ebenezer Scrooge.

From pun-tastic strain name changes to joint advent calendars this "season" has something for someone. I however am not overly impressed with the execution of said items. Maybe I don't have the Christmas spirit or I'm just judging & over-thinking everything.  I'm told it's all of the above.

We're already in an industry that changes names, terp profiles and lord knows what else do we really need a Jean guy named mistletoke? (Just an example). It's a cute name and a great seasonal idea but it doesn't improve anything. I highly doubt there's a grow room specifically for Christmas. Could you at least put the real strain name, just in case it's available outside of the season.

Festive bongs always make an appearance this time of year and that raises questions too, like do you put them away for the season like the fake tree or is that snowman bubbler a year round friend? When is it time to dust off that reindeer pipe? After remembrance day?

They're just kitchy little bobbles that collect dust in my opinion.

Advent calendars; great idea but poor execution in my eyes. Most are just joints stuffed in cardboard with no humidity pack or added packaging for freshness. I'd be happier if they were individually tubed with thc percentages and strain name instead of color coding the dry ass joints. Nothing says Christmas more than stale weed. It's a super cute idea, I love the idea of a fresh random joint each day but I can't do that cardboard tree again.

Whether it's a tree, box or tin it all doesn't seem well thought out, there's legacy boxes out there that put this legal market Xmas to shame.

Also it's pretty freaking lame we can't do this idea with edibles, I think that's a damn shame. There's a lot of legal companies with a killer line up of goodies that can't be put in one big advent calendar; which by the way are usually chocolate.  Hell even bath bombs would be killer but the carry limit destroyed that idea before it was even brought up.

So Papa, what do you like? The people who love this stuff. I'm not "festive" but people are. I like that they like it. Yeah I think it could be done better and should be so but that doesn't mean I'm gonna knock someone's choice to pick up these items and be excited about it. Every pack of wrapped and redees I've ever sold made me smile even if I personally didn't like it.

I'd come around if it was done better, maybe if I had answers to my festive bong questions but until then.....BAH HUMBUG.. 

As always

Peace,love and pre-rolls

- Papa Jefe 

These opinions are mine and mine alone and do not reflect those of CannaViews.