Puff N Ponder S2 #1

Puff n Ponder

With Papa Jefe

Who's growing this?

"Got it from a guy who got it from a guy who might have grown it" - 00's quote.

You smoke weed right? You've got a brand you enjoy and keep going back yeah?

Who's growing that weed?

Ever wondered why that strain keeps changing, or hitting different?

There's a lot of micro grows that are popping up and growing great weed but they don't pack it or sell it on a retail level. So larger companies buy their products and pack them under their brands and sell them however they like.

Sometimes it's under a different name or even sold in a different format. Also these larger companies are known to rotate who they get from, might be the same terpene profile but it might not even be the same strain.

*not all companies do this but there are quite a few*

So, where does my issue lie? Well this purchasing and packaging leaves us without a harvest date, a supplier and accurate stats.

The harvest date is important for freshness, quality and generally moisture content. I don't want to smoke the trash they had laying around for months, I doubt you do. So that's why harvest dates are important to me. This date will also reduce the number of repacks that are done. For those who don't know, a repack is repackaging old packaged products in a newly stickered pouch/jar/tube.

Each area of Canada has its own limits on how long it's been packed for before they won't purchase it, mostly it's in a three month window from the PACK DATE.

Supplier, give your grower some credit. Don't say you grew it or allow people to give you the credit, it's an extra two cents of ink to put the grower on there. It's not shameful, it's actually respectful to your consumers and suppliers, I know I look for specific growers because they do well. I'm bringing this up for a point, 7 Acres was purchasing products from Purple Farm and it was incredible. It actually made me buy from a brand that I swore I'd never smoke again.

I had to dig for that information, not hard mind you but it wasn't as easy as reading the back of the label and knowing right away.

Not only that but it helps show consistency which is forever a struggle in this industry.

Accurate stats. This is huge in an industry with inflated stats, shady paperwork and bum testing companies. If you bought something based on its paperwork by the time you go to pack it; you're already packing a lie.

THC degrades under light and air, turning it into CBN. We all know this, if not please start asking more questions about what you're smoking. So from harvest/curing/ and to the pack line this weed has seen more hands than a nail salon; is the quality going to stand against this? I know I wouldn't.

Testing isn't my area of expertise but I'm feeling like it's almost a waste of time since nothing seems real. 30's feel like 12 and 17 feels like 28 (yay numbers!) Yes its based on terp profiles sure but that imaginary numbers gotta mean something right?

Also the amount of product that is tested, its numbers are from a small batch of the overall product. Depending on moisture content, the cure and the flushing techniques could change these numbers in tests.

Some companies state that these changes and added information would cost too much money, or isn't necessary. Who's the one buying it from retailers? I know the customer isn't always right but when it comes down to it if you're not transparent about your business practices or even if you grew it, what else are you hiding?

Cannabis doesn't have to be a shady business so why make it feel that way? Users are asking for more information and all we get is "It's coming" and it never does or it on a website showing the prettiest bud, the stats of the plant plus a small blurb about it.

So, who grew that fire you liked? What's the brand? What's the parent company? How old was it really?

Just a few things to make you go hmmm.

As always

Peace,love and pre-rolls

- Papa Jefe 

These opinions are mine and mine alone and do not reflect those of CannaViews.