Puff N Ponder #10

Puff n Ponder

With Papa Jefe

Why do your customers hate you


Poor Budtender etiquette 

"Let me talk to your manager"

Ever wonder why you get more online orders while you're on shift? Ever heard them ask if anyone else was working? Or even "So and so recommended this last week; do you know what they'd recommend".

There are reasons for all of that. As much as we blame customers, we must look inward and see if we're just as bad.

"What do ya want?"

In my time, I've heard this before even hearing a hello. No questions, just straight to the point and very bland. Expect the typical comedic response of " Weed".

The Blatant upsell.

If your customer asks for a bag of stuff, don't immediately show them the most expensive item. Options should be shown, at most six items and at least three. At this point, you should know what price point they're looking for.

The Mispick.

Ever order through the drive-through at Mc Wendy's and get the wrong order, or they've forgotten something? Remember how upset you were? This happens at dispensaries too many times. Don't rush; read the item and scan it. The customer can wait a few seconds longer if the order is correct. If it's an online order, confirm the THC percentages with the customer or have someone double-check the order.

Keeping them hostage.

Yeah, your shifts have been boring, ya finally got a cool customer in the shop and want them to stick around. That's cool BUT don't grab their stuff, scan it and then chat their heads off, not allowing them to buy it and go. Let them go, or they might not be so cool next time.

Professor Budtender's speeches.

If they didn't ask, don't tell them. If they don't speak English, don't start spitting the Latin terminology or the massive scientific ones either. Keep it clear, keep it simple and don't over-explain it. No one likes feeling dumb until AFTER they smoke.

The other guy.

Refrain from bombarding your coworker with questions if you're helping a customer, and your coworker is helping a customer. If you don't know, look it up with the customer, because if you're just gonna ask your coworker, the customer might as well wait for them. It's also rude to the other customer already being helped.

The Neanderthal.

The grunt and point. Yeah, they're your top seller because it's cheap and has a high THC, but what do you know about it? Or is that a secret? Like making fire. There's more to just pointing at a jar.

Got pics on your phone? Lemme see. Got the flavour profile in mind? Tell me.

High horse budtending.

People are allowed to like what they like. Don't judge a customer because he likes his Juan Gee prerolls or pre-milled cannabis from Ripped. They're buying it from you, be thankful they didn't go up the road.

Super nerd.

Assuming every customer doesn't know what's what before they speak is pretty sh!tty budtending if you ask me, assuming the worst is setting yourself up for failure each time. Talking down to someone new to the product is a surefire way of preventing someone from enjoying themselves.

Snake Oil salesman.

DON'T. F*CKING. LIE. Don't sell them on some bullsh!t by lying about it. If you don't know, look it up, or admit it. Don't assume, don't make it up and be honest instead. If you sell me a jar that supposedly tastes like grapes and it's actually just a lemon-flavoured dirt strain, you're gonna hear about it, or at least read about it in your reviews.

The Anti social social club.

You're at work; it's your job to interact with customers. I know we all have those days or parts of the day where we've hit our social limit, take a break or drink an "energy" drink and get through it. At Least say “Hi” and let your coworker deal with me.

The Average Joe.

If your store has a uniform and you don't wear anything that indicates you work there, I won't listen to you, talk to you or even assume you work there unless you're behind the counter. Don't assume we know who you are; if you don't look the part then how the hell are they gonna know??

I'd like to say these things happen and are forgivable, but that's from someone who understands. The regular customer doesn't.

No one likes subpar service, so why give it? These are all fixable things once you realize you're doing it; it's a terrible thing when your boss realizes it.

Few simple fixes:

[  ] Ask questions. “Like how their day was”, “What experience are they looking for.”

[  ] Don't lie. Just don't. Be honest.

[  ] Learn your store's menu, not just the products you like

[  ] Be proud of your shop and what you do.

[  ] Pay attention to the customer; if their eyes glaze over, stop with the speech.

[  ] Don't hold them hostage; if they want to chat, they'll stick around

[  ] Understand your terp profile; you'll be shocked at how many customers will match it

[  ] Keep learning and never stop.

I hope this was eye-opening and funny. I wish for a better tomorrow so we don't get replaced with vending machines.

As always

Peace, love and pre-rolls

- Papa Jefe

These opinions and views are mine and mine alone, as they do not reflect those of Cannaviews.ca.